Divination to reveal important messages for the new moon and solar eclipse cycle.
Collective Message
Many of us are deciding what we are taking with us through this next doorway of our journey. Slowing things down and hitting the brakes on certain things bring a lot of clarity about what's truly important. Especially because the anticipation of a fresh experience is underway for quite a few.
Let's be real, there are some things literally vibrating out of your life as soon as you place boundaries or cleanse and center your energy. It may come as a surprise how it happens but with deep self-reflection, you'll see in what ways you can better align your vision with your quests. The power you're calling in is coming to fruition, slow down and be self-aware. Pacing helps you navigate the eclipse portal cycle and what comes through for you.
Long periods of silence, meditative works (i.e. listening to music, painting, writing), and introspection can almost be enough to put you in a different timeline quantumly speaking. Use this time to truly affirm your being. Make plans, send out prayers, and clarify your vision. With Pluto squaring the moon and sun, your areas of personal deep transformations are being revealed to you. Be spiritually engaged in the process or Pluto can influence circumstances to do it for you.
Overall (o): 4 of discs rx 7 of Discs | clarity (c): XVIII. Moon RX 7 of Cups | Hidden (H): XIII. Death 4 of Swords | C: ace of Wands XII. Hanged one Daughter of Discs | Best Course of Action: XV. Devil RX Priestess of Swords Son of CUps
Earth Signs
(s, m, r, v)
Some earth signs may be in spiritual evaluation mode. Tuning their heart chakra strings. You're taking time for sacred solitude because you're assessing how adept you are for your next level. Recent experiences envelop wisdom of maturity you could have developed from your past. How have you been showing up differently?
You can hear echoes of a higher calling. Either through synchronicities, conversations, or from certain ideas nudging you as a reminder. That's because it's near. Divine timing is assisting to finalize this phase of spiritual development. Just be aware that your wisdom could be tested. Show the growth of your inner work.
Ix. Crone | xx. Judgment
Air Signs
(s, m, r, v)
Air signs are putting down the fight. The proverbial struggle if you will. It doesn't mean that you're not open to resolution but you're taking the conflict out of it. You have some vital things to focus on in regards to work and your finances. Therefore your financial independence is a top priority. You may be removing yourself from chaotic people or environments to do so.
It's time for some independent work. There's been way too unnecessary conflict pulling on your energy. Clear that space so you can regenerate and take some time to be present with your accomplishments. Afterward, when you do connect with those outside of you again, you'll be way more solidified in your core values.
5 of wands RX | 9 of Discs
Water Signs
(s, m, r, v)
This is an emotionally and intuitively intense time for water signs. Major clearing is happening with this new moon solar eclipse. This helps power up your psychic senses. Emotional weight can be too heavy for your ethereal gifts. Releasing it evens out your energetic foundation so you're not getting in your own way.
You have the experience of both sides of the polarities and you've been able to balance it. This is a time to sit back, observe, and make moves based on your inner knowing. Don't let the ebbs morph you into a version of yourself you've alchemized from. Use and trust your foresight and psychic wisdom. A holistic approach would suit you best so that you consider all sides. There's no reason to get boxed into circumstances that you can see coming.
II. High Priestess | 4 of Cups
Fire Signs
(s, m, r, v)
So fire signs are clearing some mental and emotional baggage this new moon solar eclipse cycle as well. Resolving unfinished business and breaking the limitations you've put on yourself mentally. This is likely triggered by a relationship or a particular situation that fostered you to be more in tune with your higher self.
Past disappointments, disillusions, or conflicts can be easily resolved during this time. This will increase your ability to show up fully integrated without parts of yourself being distorted by internal or external thought projections. Use this time to release and resolve because it will bring in a stronger divine union within yourself and other relationships.