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13: Saturn's Succession

Let's examine the sequence of events that Saturn in Pisces uses to mature and pass the proverbial wand to a new layer of responsibility. Saturn retrograde from June 29th to November 15th is an annual check-up for the collective. This occurs for about 4 to 5 months out of the year. This Saturn in Pisces provides a hyper-focused lens for those with transits happening to personal planets and close-knit aspects in their natal chart.

Date Cards Pulled: 07.09.2024 | Time Cards Pulled: 00:29 EST | Final Draft Date: 07.17.2024 | Final Draft Time: 01:07 EST


Cartomancy: Divination with the use of playing cards, utilizing traditional meanings, individual symbolism, astrological and numerical significance. Establish 14th century.

Cardology: a mystical system used to track spiritual subtleties and planetary predictions. Established by the Order of the Magi approx. 20,000 BC.


King of Diamonds ♦

root energy: Four of Diamonds ♦

King of Diamonds is the overall energy that's centerstage here. Signifying the heightened impact Saturn has on us collectively at this time. King of Diamonds is similar to the King of Pentacles energy in tarot. The primary distinction here, is that King of Diamonds rules the full 23 days of the Capricorn zodiac season in cartomancy. With this being the leading energy, it's clear that Saturn's influence is potent. Especially with consecutive Capricorn full moons this year.

The requests that Saturn makes are to master your finances, prioritize building a legacy, and to ritualize a concerted effort towards being a good steward of long-term prosperity. These themes may be repeatedly highlighted in your reality when the King of Diamonds comes out. What this card also reveals here, is that these petitions are most likely here to reap karmic benefits from past efforts. Similar to an annual assessment interview or contract review you have in business dealings where you negotiate raises, renewals, and promotions.

We can gain insight on the motivation behind the premeditated nature in how things unfold when you look at the 2 of Diamonds looming in shadows. It sits in the Mars position in cardology for King of Diamonds. It shows up again later in this reading as a root cause for the Best Course of Action.

Astrologically, 2 of Diamonds is associated with Jupiter in Capricorn. With Saturn and Jupiter working together, there is an amplified energy about receiving what you deserve based on your actions, merit, or work ethic. Capricorn will make sure it's exactly what you deserve though. If you do extra, then you get bonuses. But excess for the sake of excess, which can sometimes come with Jupiter's ostentatious nature, will be restrained in Capricorn's presence.

The 4 of Diamonds sit at the root of these circumstances. Meaning at the core of it, personal or consequential sacrifices are required to be made at this time. The 4 of Diamonds is Sun in Capricorn astrologically in cartomancy. Keep in mind, that Capricorn only rules the 2-4 of Diamonds and King of Diamonds in the divination system. As you look further, you'll see we almost have a full Capricorn spread here. So that full moon energy packs a punch! Karmic audits, debt payments, and financial adjustments are likely to be made.

4 of Diamonds reassures us that patience, slowing your lifestyle down, and becoming more shrewd with money can bring rewards. Even those small windfalls of Jupiter's influence can pay off if you're thrifty and smart about how you use your money. This is important because the 4 of Diamonds has a 2 of Spades as their Mercury placement in cardology. This also shows up again later in this reading multiple times. Once in the What's Hidden position then again at the midpoint of the Best Course of Action.

2 of Spades comes with the message that things are a lot more fragile and pivotal at this time than usual. Simple communication dilemmas or general logistics could cause temporarily strained positions. So a conservative method would be a more strategic approach. Essentially we're gearing up for Mercury Retrograde energy. Except the 2 of Spades is more of a caution sign regarding the potential for volatility when coordinating with multiple parties. Emotions are heightened because 2 of Spades connected to the Moon in Libra astrologically. The Moon and Yin energy in general are a big part of what's yet to be revealed to the collective. We'll going into detail about that the Hidden position.

On top of that, relationships and socializing with other people, in general, are the primary areas of impact. This is due to the 2 of Spades connection to Libra. So, finding a way to work with people and their margins for error comes with the territory at this time.

If you look at it, this is a period where the management of resources is what's being examined. Social and intellectual capital included. Your reputation matters. However, your self-interest matters even more because it's an additional motivating factor here. Mainly because that's a big shadow aspect of the King of Diamonds. He is known to be an accomplished businessman. But self-interest can drive him to a point where if he doesn't benefit from you, like you, or respect you he can be cold and dismissive. While that may work in certain circumstances, still keep in mind that necessary sacrifices have to be made. So while you can do that, you still have a level of diplomacy and ethics to uphold. If not, the element of volatility can be more challenging to manage.


Jack of Hearts ♥

root energy: 3 of Hearts ♥

This is big Saturn in Pisces energy. While the overall energy may amplify challenging themes right now, the message behind this advises toward emotional peace, balance, and a light heart. Especially in terms of social engagements and how you communicate. The Jack of Hearts is associated with Pisces in the cartomancy. While the 3 of Hearts, our base card, is symbolic of Mercury in Cancer. That combination lends toward a need for sweetness and inner balance in an effort to not harbor your emotional waters in a toxic, stagnant vessel. Despite the harshness of Saturn's conditions.

Jack of Hearts is known as a charmer. Even when certain actions can seem manipulative, the people that engage with him may still find the emotional persuasion endearing. This reinforces the previously stated sentiment that your efforts are going to be rewarded as long as the effort is there. You have the flexibility to have fun with it, use your natural charm, and break out of your typical approach. That way you can capitalize on even the smallest moments of gratitude.

In cardology, the life card Jack of Hearts comes with the King of Diamonds in its Saturn period. This is quite a cutthroat position because of its esteemed nature. Where it can be all about the bottom line. Which usually does favor the Jack of Hearts when it's all said and done. But only as long as the work can speak for itself. Is it respected? Do people like it? Can one benefit from it? 3 primary questions. All you need is one yes to be valid. 2 or more would fully capture a well-rounded King of Diamonds energy.

Think of it as having your natal Saturn placed in its home sign of Capricorn. With King of Diamonds in the Saturn period, lessons about delayed gratification, sustainable investments, and navigating material world challenges are major highlights. The good thing is, the King of Diamonds is favored when patience and care is used within business dealings because it lays the foundation for future success. It builds a strong reputation and because it's a natal Saturn placement you likely get started on these lesson early and often. That way you build up your tolerance for what's ultimately going to be asked of you at some point anyway.

Funny enough. 3 of Hearts as the base energy mirrors a similar message to the Jack of Hearts. It's just more on the shadow side. In cartomancy, it's looked at as a card of hasty promises, sweet nothings, or impulsive agreements made in the heat of the night. It can get as bad as passionate debates or arguments where you say things that you can't take back. The potential for speaking from fleeting emotions can put you in a position that causes confusion and conflict with the 3 of Hearts. Even if those emotions are sweet and loving. If you're not intentional, it can seem like you don't keep your word. Silence, patience, and genuine consideration of yourself and others can help things unfold with less bad blood. This is important to keep in mind because it can impact your social interactions and the favor you gain from certain partnerships or mutual agreements.

On face value, this may seem like a tightrope. But remember, it's about keeping a light heart. Begging the question if whether or not you're coming from the heart and if your inner scales balanced. Remember, 2 of Spades is Libra energy, and that shows up again shortly. Use the Ma'at approach of grace, harmony, and knowing you're not confined to the actions of your flesh. This allows you to float on this fine line with much more ease. That way you can see that the tons of pressure placed on you is not your weight to carry. What happens is within Divine Will. If you don't know what to say or do, then do nothing and simply ask for help. Be patient that once the storm passes, clarity will come. Sometimes we have to respect that miracles are God's department.


Queen of Clubs ♣

root energy: Two of Spades â™ 

middle point energy: Ace of Diamonds ♦ 9 of Diamonds ♦

What's beautiful about this message is the hidden energy. It tells a more mystical story. Where fiery Yin energy is emerging. You'll have more time for deep moments of creativity and exploration. With the Queen of Clubs showing up, you're more likely to receive attention simply for yielding the courage to be passionate about something and expressing it. That disposition adds a layer of magnetic charm to how you are perceived.

The Queen of Clubs is associated with Leo energy in cartomancy. It speaks about grace, ease, and being in some level of limelight. There is a high-strung, emotionally reactive side to the Queen of Clubs though. Normally coping is done through occasional periods of isolation and internal emotional exploration for the Queen of Clubs. This helps her restore her balance. But can lead to dwelling in sadness if ruminated on for too long. This coping mechanism can also cause separation between her and her companions who usually come in as a support system. As long as you're careful not to alienate yourself from your tribe and sources of emotional happiness, this can be a highly beneficial energy to tap into. Especially in regard to your personal passions. But you do have to distinguish between necessary alone time for you to recharge versus self-isolating as a response to trauma. Your tribe and community network can be a regenerative source. Especially if your courage to be passionate about who you are and your experience attracted them in the first place.

The only reason it's important to highlight the dark emotional side of the Queen of Clubs is because 2 of Spades is seated a the bottom of the deck here. We're warned that there is a delicate, 'walking-on-eggshells' type of energy surrounding the playing field. That's what is currently active in the underbelly of certain these social interactions in the collective. When the 2 of Spades shows up, it asks us to use tact and pause when handling things. Primarily because the problems that arise are temporary. So essentially there's no need to make permanent decisions or do any permanent damage based on temporary issues and emotions. However, the propensity for the severity of the situation to be exacerbated is high when it comes to interactions. There's a caution against ruffling feathers or saying the wrong thing while emotions are high.

Looking at the midpoint of the deck, Ace of Diamonds and 9 of Diamonds are taking the spotlight. If it's not clear that money is on everyone's mind, here's your confirmation once again. With these two cards here, the delicate situations may literally be about someone's sense of security and lifestyle. Take this as the Ace of Pentacles and 9 of Pentacles in traditional tarot. Ace of Diamonds is the Earth element in cartomancy, covering all three earth signs. 9 of Diamonds is associated with Venus in Virgo. Which can have a service and work-oriented approach to Venusian energy. Seeing relationships as more work than it actually is because they have a propensity to overextend themselves to prove their worth. In cartomany, when it comes to the 9 of Diamonds, as long as you're getting what you've asked for then you're in alignment with your true energy. If the capacity isn't there to fulfill your request, the situation is out of alignment. If you do get what you've asked and you still don't like it? Ask for something else.

In Cartomancy, 9 of Diamonds is more of a 'your wish is my command' type of card. Mostly because it's a card where you get exactly what you ask for. For better or worse. So naturally this comes with a caution to be intentional about what you wish for. This is mostly because the work you put in will likely bring things to fruition. Where intention goes, energy flows. There's powerful manifestation energy at play in the hidden position. Make sure what you desire is worthwhile and in alignment with what you honestly want.

At the heart of it, everyone is putting their mind and effort towards some financial or work-related objective. It's the core principle impacting every one's motives and root energy. Does it work in service to myself and others? That can help you in navigating this land mine style terrain.

Ace of Diamonds suggests you have a profitable opportunity emerging. It could be a freshly presented idea or a business deal in the agreement stage. But it is here and implementation is likely to begin within the next monthly cycle. Financial or career opportunities are at the heart of our focus and capture most of our attention at this time. There's been a recurring download for me indicating that September is going to be a month of harvest thanks to the Fall (whether that's proverbial or simply just literal). So use the rest of this season to prepare for it.

I know it might seem like a small glimmer of hope but seriously listen to your intuition. Simply look around you. There are pivotal and impactful changes or additions that can be made that would reallocate your flow of resources and pour more back into you in the long run if done strategically. To further highlight how this is laid out in the cards. The 2 of Spades is natally related to the 9 of Diamonds at the core of this situation and the 4 of Diamonds is too. All of which is the underlying energy of this entire 13-moon cycle reading in the first place.

When you look at the full spread of the 9 of Diamonds life card, you'll see the 2 of Spades in the Neptune position and 4 of Diamonds in the Uranus position. 4 of Diamonds in the Uranus position is actually a good money card. Surprisingly enough. In this placement, it can show up as money from unexpected sources. Specifically from sectors like real estate, technology, and service to others through labor or philanthropy. Stable, steady and gradual-earning approaches to work can bring you satisfaction or at the very least contentment with your financial standing.

With 2 of Spades in the Neptune position, anything desired from unrealistic expectations or upheld through an illusion will likely lead to complications and delays. However this card in this placement does attract partnerships and collaborative ideas so there might be multiple options to sift through. The 2 of Spades in Neptune actually works best in religious or spiritual sectors. Because those industries allows for a level of mysticism or what others may call illusions. Except in those systems, spiritual practices are measurable, quantifiable, and peer-reviewed. Providing checks and balances to verify authenticity and effectiveness of spiritual power for those who are involved in those business sectors.

All of this signals that there are potential opportunities to capitalize on. Especially from unexpected avenues. So as long as there's a sound and stable foundation that it derives from, it is likely to be worth exploring. Think along the lines of industries that are sustainable and essential to the human experience.


9 of Spades â™ 

root energy: 2 of Diamonds ♦

middle point energy:  2 of Spades ♠

9 of Spades is such a tough love omen here. It's related to Mars in Gemini. Which you would think could have some potential for spontaneity or excitement. But the element of surprise here is in the form of forced change. This likely comes in a form that is hard to embrace at first. Although signs of change may have been evident beforehand. This can more than likely show up as an unwelcomed order of events that causes shifts and change. This may require some readjusting to get used to.

In Cartomancy, 9 of Spades is one of those tower-moment cards. Prepare to brace yourself. Obstacles are likely to arise especially when it comes to being mindful enough to think ahead and taking consideration of others. The only relief here comes in through money. That shouldn't be a shocker by now since Diamonds have ruled this entire reading. Taking care of your capital and resources will provide you with a higher level of security and insurance.

Do you see a pattern with the number two showing up? Social capital can take you far right now because everybody needs some kind of help in this collective atmosphere. As long as you don't have a lack mindset, you can make yourself useful. Which does get rewarded with the 2 of Diamonds we see at the Uranus position and the base card energy of what's the best course of action. Remember 2 of Diamonds is all about getting rewards for your efforts. If you're genuinely putting in the work, it will be repaid even in unexpected ways.

2 of Diamonds, is seen as a karmic benefit for your actions. Maybe in the form of a lucky financial break after committing to a specific desire. This echoes how the 2 of Diamonds functions at the Uranus position for the 9 of Spades. Where partnerships bring in material benefits in surprising ways. So don't let fear or financial hesitation hinder you from collaborating with others. Because two or more parties contributing toward a financial plan will yield greater success. Especially in the sectors of real estate and labor (i.e. skilled trades, HR-related industries, and service jobs).

King of Diamonds is positioned at the Mars placement for 9 of Spades in Cardology. Which also lends towards financial success when focused pursuits are aggressively implemented on specific goals. Investments and legal matters are likely to go in your favor as well as long as you're directly involved in the handling of those arenas.

It may not look pretty in the way it's coming, but it is for your benefit. The adjustments being made are helping you navigate sensitive and high-stakes terrain a lot better. Plus you get the benefit of taking the clean slate approach with the 9 of Spades as your Best Course of Action. Yes, previously established structures are getting demolished but that also means the foundation is getting leveled out. Take it as a storm tracker. You see there's one brewing so make sure you have your safety nets and insurance in place.

The 2 of Spades is at the heart of this reading and shows up again as the core issue. It's signaling to us that this is a delicate procedure. No one can bypass or miscalculate what's required of them. On top of making sure you account for what can be miscaluacted by others. Simple things like preparing your household's immune system for the back-to-school season or restructuring your monthly expenses and profit margins can help you remain in good standing with what brings you satisfaction regardless of the tower moments thrown your way.


There are certain inevitable circumstances in life that we all collectively face. In this case, the livelihood of your material world and your ability to think ahead especially when you're responsible for others, are the primary themes being tested. It's not the easiest thing to navigate. But when it comes to stepping into your position of power and leadership, closing off the easy road might be a necessary sacrifice.

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