Divination Cards Pulled:
10:44 AM EST
New Moon Peak times:
January 29, 2025
7:36 AM EST / 12:26 PM GMT
The purpose of this divination is to equip you with a forecast for this New Moon cycle. This reading intends to prepare you with an overview of the potential ways you may have to use your power to navigate the cosmos. You may notice themes from the last New Moon closing out to make way for new pathways. You have the power to control your outcome. Use your discernment. Take what resonates, leave out the rest.


Finances Catalyze Activations this New Moon:
3 of Diamonds Venus
Keywords: Diversity in values. Financial creativity or worries about finances.
Financial problems may cause conflicts in your relationship.
3 of Diamonds in the Venus position may cause you to choose lovers or friends out of a lack mentality or worries about finances. This can also cause you to choose a job out of haste to meet your immediate financial need but it won’t be beneficial long-term.
You’re warned against mixing emotion or love and money. This is your second warning about this. Please have integrity in your choices.
Relax and be patient because this will help you make better decisions.
4 of Diamonds Neptune
Keywords: Sound values bring financial stability.
Good money card. Satisfaction and stability in financial affairs so that you can enjoy the fruit of your labor.
Money made through travel, foreign affairs, from caring for others or through secret dealings/projects.
Inheritance, tax refunds, and insurance claims are likely to bring in more money as well.
Increased protection over your business and finances.
5 of Diamonds Venus
Keywords: Changes in values or occupation. Business travel.
Friends and lovers may cost you which will be expensive. Doing business with friends or lovers is advised against during this lunation period. It's more likely to deplete your resources and become emotionally draining.
If you fall into an unhealthy desire for luxury or love this will also deplete you emotionally and financially.
The 5 of Diamonds in the Venus position may cause people to hyperfocus on money which will put a strain on friendships and relationships. Especially for the women in your life. As a result your relationship status may change.
Emotional instability and restlessness will cause a need for change in these areas.
7 of Diamonds Saturn
Keywords: Financial challenges. Learning appreciation for things valued.
The 7 of Diamonds in the Saturn position may lead to the loss of money due to health, a friend, associations, or paying for health recovery.
You’re being asked to face your internal prosperity or lack mentality. If you have a fear of poverty then you’ll be forced to face your fears in terms of a lack of resources.
A positive mentality and gratitude will be what changes your financial standing or increases your financial success.
4s, 8s, and 10s will turn any negative influences into a positive one.

Jack of Diamonds Saturn
Keywords: Financial success through sales or creativity. Initiation into higher values.
Karmic relationships in business or associations that you’re obligated to or are having problems with. This will require you to apply hard work and patience in order to see success in these endeavors.
The Jack of Diamonds in the Saturn position requires you to regulate and balance your responsibilities during this lunation period.
Monetized creative projects may be more burdensome than normal but this is a necessary challenge to prepare you for future success and help you establish a strong foundation for yourself. The success that comes now will require hard work to attain it.
Diamonds suit men especially those that are younger than you who approach you romantically or for creative projects/networking may be more burdensome during this lunation period due to this influence.

Personal Power Activated during this New Moon Period:
King of Clubs Jupiter
Keywords: Becoming an authority in the communications field. Success and recognition.
High mental power that allows you to make informed and sound decisions. Especially as it pertains to work and career. Bigger ideas and expansion of your operations or how you reach people.
Increased talent and success in writing, speaking, teaching or publishing.
Older Clubs men are likely a source of financial blessings this lunation period. Especially if they are in a leadership position in the field of your career.



The following messages were not included in the Cardology synastry however this message was divinely guided to be expressed. Willpower is the conjunction of your passion and action. It's important to know what motivates that willpower.


7 of Hearts Jupiter
Keywords: Learning unconditional love and non-attachment in relationships.
Tests or challenges in terms of love and money with the objective to learn selflessness and how to have more of a giving spirit.
Mixing love and money will create conflict to show you where selfishness lies in those relationship dynamics.
On the flip side, the 7 of Hearts brings a heightened spiritual influence that feels like a blessing which rewards you with selflessness, gratitude and a giving heart. These spiritual gifts are best put to use in business and your love life. If used correctly then it will amplify or increase your experiences in love and towards financial prosperity. This will show up in a way that feels like a miracle and serendipitous. So don’t limit your possibilities, it may show up in a way that you would have never even thought of or imagined.
9 of Hearts ♥
Astrology: Jupiter in Pisces
Keywords: The Wish Card. Satisfaction. Good fortune is on the way after facing difficulties financially. Celebration. Completion of a major relationship milestone. Counsel or help.
Completion in love that brings in a sense of universal love. Where you see the end to parts of your relationships that aren’t aligned with universal principles.
If there are any relationships that do not serve your greater purpose then those relationships are likely to end. It’s because you’re meant to be in relationships that serve a higher good for both parties.
The 9 of Hearts brings in a greater ability to give more love and be more selfless in love. You may be able to counsel others or share love and compassion in a way that caters to their universal sense of self. That will elevate your relationships and close out parts of those dynamics that serve a lower part of yourself.
Jack of Hearts Neptune
Keywords: Christ card. Making personal sacrifices for a higher good. Initiation into higher love.
Strong spiritual influence that brings in revelations, downloads, and a stronger intuition. These gifts bring about a higher level of thinking and better decision making.
You are likely to experience a deep transformation that brings you a deeper level of truth and stronger spiritual connection.
Old ways of thinking, outdated desires, and ambitions rooted in old patterns are being released so you can enter a phase of helping others in a selfless way.
Hearts men, especially those that are younger than you may be hard to see objectively due to Neptune’s influence. It’s best to be more open to friendship and allow them to show their true intentions. They have a unique path to take at this time so outside influence can cause imbalance stemming from you or them.
Jack of Hearts individuals are more likely to become an enemy or opposition to you if they’re not allowed to go on their own way without objectivity. Be fair and universal with how you view them or their actions.

10 of Spades ♠️
Astrology: Sun in Gemini
Keywords: Disillusionment. Slow down, don’t move too fast. A strong cleansing is needed to overcome personal lows. Success in work, health, and legal affairs. Workaholic.
Success and satisfaction in your work and health but it requires hard work to manifest it. You have the ability to overcome adversity in health and work with the 10 of Spades.
10 of Wands energy that shows you what burdens need to be put down in order to be fruitful. However on the shadow side it can result in obsession over all your responsibilities or burdens that can make you a workaholic.
Create a specific list of goals and this card will help you achieve it successfully. Great new moon energy for this lunation period.



Diamonds ♦ Birth Card/Displaced Card or Earth Signs
10 of Hearts
Astrology: Mars in Pisces
Keywords: Good news. Good luck. Success. The ability to counteract any bad or negative circumstances. The roads are open and good things are on the way.
And now these three remain: faith, hope, and love. But the greatest of these is love.
1 Corinthians 13:13
Key Points:
Unexpected good news.
Don’t become complacent, you’re starting a new cycle.
Your past actions are paying off, now you can step into a new milestone of personal development.
You are unified in mind, body, spirit and soul to the Most High. You lack nothing. Your anointing is palpable as long you are willing to show up and be felt. Your emotions are powerful this new moon. No one can deny the divine gift of life force flowing through you. Manage your emotions in unison with what's divinely destined for you. Every move you've made has led you to this point. Act in accordance to your highest good. As a result, goodness be unto. Karmic rewards are arriving. You have endured and put in the sweat equity to reap these rewards. Financial blessings and divine love are knocking at the door. The only caveat is that you have to answer and provide your signature as a signal of commitment to use these gifts in their divine purpose. This New Moon lunation period is here to elevate you into a higher rank of spiritual illumination. Faith without works is dead; however you are the embodiment of life. Show and prove!
Hearts ♥ Birth Card/Displaced Card or Water Signs
3 of Diamonds
Astrology: Mars in Capricorn
Keywords: Documents. You need to keep a cool head. Do a peaceful home vigil. Domestic disagreements are a higher likelihood. Potential arguments.
Two are better than one, because they have a good return for their labor:
If either of them falls down, one can help the other up.
But pity anyone who falls and has no one to help them up.
Also, if two lie down together, they will keep warm. But how can one keep warm alone?
Though one may be overpowered, two can defend themselves.
A cord of three strands is not quickly broken.
Ecclesiastes 4:9-12
Key Points:
Grace, forgiveness, and patient communication.
Don’t say what you may regret. Don’t make permanent decisions from temporary emotions.
Inconsideration and thoughtless words or actions can have heavy consequences. Use caution and be intentional about what you want to manifest.
Advancement is meaningless if you have no one to share it with. This New Moon period is bringing you an opportunity to experience grace, mercy, and relational support because you are advancing. That gift is not given to those who are inconsiderate or selfish. You deserve to have your thoughtful, loyal nature reciprocated. As long as you are willing to take a seat at the table, others will show up. If you build a bridge, those who are meant to meet you on the other side will cross it. Hold your tongue if you are tempted to sow seeds of division because this lunation period is going to show you how much better we are together. Anger, doubt, and uncertainty are fleeting emotions. But love is everlasting. Let go of fear and trust that the love of the Most High will show up in all things and everyone around you. If there is anything rooted in fear it will be challenged and defeated in divine time. Trust that with patience and faith, what's destined for you will find you.
Clubs ♣️ Birth Card/Displaced Card or Air Signs
Jack of Spades
Astrology: Gemini zodiac period.
Keywords: Duality. Slow and steady progress. There may be a person around you that means well but they are a hindrance due to hostile environments or cross conditions. Overcoming blockage and jealousy. Perform a clearing and cut ties.
“If you listen carefully to what he says and do all that I say, I will be an enemy to your enemies and will oppose those who oppose you.” Exodus 23:22
Key Points:
The ability to bounce back from any setbacks.
Great advantage as an ally and formidable opponent.
Resourcefulness, charm, wit, and intelligence.
Shadow side: cocky and audacious. Have balance and choose your battle wisely. You may end up with a dangerous enemy that you need to cut ties with. Bow out of any ongoing battles.
You have the power of the Most High on your side. There is no one who can stand against you. There may be negativity and opposition rearing its ugly head but you have the hand of God willing and ready to smite it down. You have the most powerful ally on your side, the demonic forces attempting to rise won't reach your doorstep. As long as you call on the divine power you have at your disposal you will overcome each and every challenge(r). Be balanced and tactful in your approach, this will insure your victory and triumph. You have access to divine intelligence, apply it to all your endeavors. This will elevate you in the presence of your enemies and make you prosperous in all that you do. You are magnetic which is a blessing, however moths are also attracted to the flame. Be discerning and filter all of which that does not serve you.
Spades ♠️ Birth Card/Displaced Card or Fire Signs
5 of Clubs
Astrology: Saturn in Leo
Keywords: Consider all possibilities before you act. Look before you leap. Friction. Conflicts must be handled swiftly. Do not stew over problems and take care of business.
"...If you are pleased with me, teach me your ways so I may know you and continue to find favor with you. Remember that this nation is your people.”
The Lord replied, “My Presence will go with you, and I will give you rest.”
Exodus 33:13-14
Key Points:
Arguments at this time at rooted in jealousy whether the jealous party admits it or not.
There are things you can learn from opposition and vice versa. Both sides of the aisle have similarities and differences that would make both parties more balanced if they joined forces for a solution.
Don’t be pompous or boastful as it evokes envy and jealousy at this time. It will exacerbate problems rather than keep you in alignment. You have business to handle, focus on that.
Your favor and anointing may evoke jealousy or envy in those who do not understand divine purpose. What's meant for you cannot be taken away. If you know that, then you will recognize that gift and promise in others. There's no reason to boast when you embody your divinity. It's seen, felt, and heard without an utterance. As long as you preserve your divinity then all your problems will be solved. Answer your calling and embrace your destiny. As a result, those who are against you will come to the revelation that it is better to be with you. Collaboration is greater than competition during this lunation period. Don't be tempted to sling mud. Any negativity thrown at you won't stick as long as you remember God's favor.
This is a powerful New Moon that conjoins with the Lunar New Year. You have the power to conjure God's purpose over your life by working in unison with the power of your mind and emotions. Negativity can be alchemized to your favor and fortune if you trust what's destined for you. Karmic rewards are gifted to you as a result of your faith and obedience to your divine calling. Set your intentions for what you want to unfold this Lunar New year and it shall come to fruition.