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The Moon’s Domicile

Writer's picture: Saj The Sage Saj The Sage

Divination Cards Pulled:

January 10, 2025

5:57 PM EST

Full Moon Peak Date & Times:

January 13, 2025 | 5:27 PM EST / 9:27 PM GMT

The purpose of this divination is to equip you with a forecast for this Full Moon cycle. This reading intends to prepare you with an overview of the potential ways you may have to use your power to navigate the cosmos. You may notice themes from the last Full Moon closing out to make way for new pathways. You have the power to control your outcome. Use your discernment. Take what resonates, leave out the rest.


The Root of the Problems + Themes Activated by this Cancer Lunation Period:

4 of Spades ♠️

Astrology: Jupiter in Libra

Keywords: Peace and quiet. The devil’s bedpost. Jealousy. Minor misfortunes or delays. Be still and take time to focus and relax. You can fix your problems. Stability and protection of your peace. 

  • The most harmonious spades card that gives you peace and restoration after enduring trials and tribulations. Especially for those who have recently been in a stressful period. 

  • An opportunity for space, reassessment, recovery, and slowing down the pace. DO NOT push yourself to overwork or ignore your body’s signals for rest. 

  • This card warns that if you don’t slow down, you will be forced to reflect on where you haven’t been honoring your natural energetic flow. This card can bring in ailments related to stress as a signal to replenish your own energy. 

  • Recovery from illness and any work/money-related problems to establish security and stability.

4 of Spades Uranus

Keywords: Hard work brings stability and protection. 

  • Favorable for success in work, acquiring real estate, getting approved for housing,  land, farming, labor groups, and service work. Philanthropic work is going to be a priority, especially in support of helping communities after the wildfires and winter storms. 

  • There are financial blessings that come from misfortune or illness with this card. It literally says that in the Cardology book so it’s very on-brand after the devastation that occurred for this card and this synastry to come out. Inheritance, insurance claims, donations, or civil lawsuit claims are more likely to bring financial success to you at this time. 

  • This card is also a positive influence for strengthening your intuition, gaining wisdom, or using your psychic powers for profit. Spiritual practitioners can be very popular or financially successful at this time with this influence. 

  • Relationships with your coworkers, professional peers, or career network are more positive and can add to your success at this time. 

  • The 4 of Spades is such a powerful influence that it can make any Uranus aspect positive at this time. So any unexpected, innovative, philanthropic, or community efforts at this time come with added success, personal satisfaction, and a strong grounding force.

5 of Spades Mars

Keywords: Changes in lifestyle or location. A long trip. Change of job. 

  • This card brings about significant change. These changes are likely to be made in plans, travel, business, housing location, or due to your relationship with a male figure. 

  • Working with men is likely to be productive and catalytic for your progress. 

  • Restlessness is likely the root cause of change specifically in terms of travel or business. This may cause your relationships to suffer. 

  • On a corporate, government, or mass scale this card can likely influence changes in the insurance industry, in tax codes/laws, or changes in legal matters.

Gifts + Powers Activated under the Cancer Full Moon:

8 of Spades Mars

Keywords: Success and accomplishments in work or health. Use of force. Will power. 

  • Ambition and drive will help you achieve success at this time. This success can be found in legal matters, amongst groups, or with men. 

  • Powerful influence to achieve anything through ambition, desire, and hard work but you shouldn’t do this in a harsh or abrupt manner because it can cause conflict with your relationships or rub people the wrong way which would diminish your emotional support. 

  • This card has the power to overcome any obstacle and bring great success or happiness. The 8 of Spades will strengthen all of your positive actions that are in alignment with its ambitious and driven qualities.

9 of Spades Uranus 

Keywords: Death. Major endings in aspects of your lifestyle. Potential for health issues or loss of employment. 

  • Moving on to another line of work or into a new lifestyle. The objective is to let go of the past in order to make room for new things coming in. This would give you a sense of completion or graduation from old ways of being. So don’t resist any endings at this time. It will make you feel free, and lighthearted and bring excitement about the future. 

  • There could be disappointments in work/career, social services, or when it comes to real estate. Overcoming any of these problems will help you make significant progress. Just use caution if you’re presented with something without tangible insurance to be sure it comes through.

  • Your intuition or ability to predict patterns can bring guidance or insight when it comes to making decisions and helping others. 

  • Positive influences for spiritual matters, learning metaphysical information, or acquiring new skills as a spiritual practitioner. 

  • 4s, 8s, and 10s can counterbalance any problems or challenges that may arise.

Shadow side of the Moon:

Jack of Spades Mars

Keywords: Success in the arts or creative work. Being ripped off by a scammer or thief. 

  • Dishonesty is more common with men or in the legal system at this time. You would only be impacted by this if you rush, skip steps, or take shortcuts while disregarding ethical and truthful practices. The backlash from this is much more costly than it would be worth.

  • Attorneys are more likely to ambulance chase at this time and many of them may be outright dishonest about how they can help you. The stakes are higher if you involve unethical legal counsel because it can result in a bigger loss. 

  • The positive aspect of this card can be found in the application of creative ideas for your work or business. You have a greater ability to handle your legal or business matters with your own mental abilities and working with ethical, honest people.

  • Spades suit men have a love-hate energy to them right now. They’re likely to attract affection or anger during this full moon lunation period.


6 of Hearts  ♥ 

Astrology: Sun in Scorpio

Keywords: Anxiety. Letting go of the past to move forward. Let go of anger, as it causes you to close your own roads. Watch out for untrustworthy people, someone may try to swindle you. Making peace. Karmic relationships or the return of love.

  • Pressure in your emotional life creates difficulties that have been foreseen. You have gotten cues about where pressure has been building up long before it comes to a head. 

  • Family and friends are likely to be unhelpful during this time because they have their own problems to focus on. Some loved ones may add to the stress by being a financial or emotional burden. Make reasonable decisions when it pertains to them for a more favorable experience. 

  • Hasty actions may likely lead to making any problems worse. Especially if decisions are made out of panic, anxiety, fleeting emotions, or without due caution. 

  • If you’re calm, level-headed, and make decisions from a rational thought process you’ll have a more favorable experience under this influence. 

  • Establishing peace and balance in relationships after settling debts and taking responsibility for your participation in any problems. 

  • Revealing a special purpose as it relates to service to others in a healthy and harmonious way. Application of consideration for others leads to the betterment of the group and learning how to love others from a universal spiritual sense. Agape love. Higher heart chakra activation

  • Potential to engage in a special mission as it relates to your destiny and purpose. 

  • Destined relationships that are a result of past life or prior actions.

5 of Hearts Neptune

Keywords: Change of heart. Move to a new home. 

  • Strong indication of traveling to a distant land, especially for the quest of love, peace, and emotional satisfaction. 

  • In the Neptune position, you must be cautious against making decisions rooted in fantasies. Guard yourself against fantasies that have no basis in reality. 

  • Lack of clarity, incoherent thought processes, miscommunication, and misinformation are likely to cause a strain on relationships or full-out separations. 

  • Take the extra time to be clear, specific, accurate, and detailed in your communication during this lunation period. 

  • Social or romantic freedom that you crave, desire, or subconsciously long for is more likely to materialize during this time.

7 of Hearts Mercury 

Keywords: Learning unconditional love. Non-attachment in love. 

  • Jealousy, disruptions, trouble, or change are likely to happen in relationships. This is to prepare you for what to expect with this 9-year, as it may end friendships or community associations that are no longer in alignment. The conflicts won’t be long-term and are likely to pass just as quickly as they come. So it is very likely you are simply ending patterns or experiences you’ve once accepted in those relationships that have run its course so you can enter into a new level of alignment with those friends or associates. 

  • (1) Tact and (2) diplomacy are required in all your communication. If those two elements are absent arguments and misunderstanding may likely ensue. Release your attachment to ideas or people for the most favorable influence under this card. 

  • 4s, 8, and 10s will make this a more positive influence to bring you success for a happier outcome with fewer challenges. Additionally, 4s, 8s, and 10s can bring you the spiritual love influence from this card which makes it easier to release fear and attachments.

    Pisces North Node Blessings:

    Jack of Hearts Jupiter

    Keywords: Making personal sacrifices for a higher good. Initiation in higher love. Christ Card. Card of Spiritual Sacrifice. 

    • When in the Jupiter position, the Jack of Hearts symbolism as the Sacrifice Card is intensified. You can receive increased blessings from helping others or fulfilling your spiritual goals. If you invest your energy in practices that are selfless and help for the collective then you can receive the maximum success this card brings. 

    • With this influence you’re under the highest form of spiritual energy which will bring you profound revelations. 

    • If you master your emotions, personal relationships, and do good for others this card will bring you untold or unexpected blessings during this full moon lunation period. 

    • Men of the Hearts suits can be a blessing to you financially and spiritually at this time. These men are likely to be younger than you or in creative professions.





Saturn's Impact on the Financial Realm:

6 of Diamonds Saturn

Keywords: Peace at work. Financial responsibility and financial karma. Discovering one’s special purpose. 

  • Paying off financial debts and obligations. The more expensive it is, its a testament to the impact of your past actions and how you handled them.

  • Deviating from the truth or ethical practices will cost you especially if deception is used within business, your work, or your career. Find ways to compromise in a fair way and be honest even if it is difficult. This will bring you freedom and clear karmic debt. 

  • With the 6 of Diamonds in the Saturn position you are more likely to receive repayment or results from past work. The repayment will be fair and direct. This will give you wisdom, deeper intellectual insight, and personal growth.

Ace of Diamonds Saturn

Keywords: The desire for money and the beginning of new ways to make money. 

  • Fear of poverty or experiences that block your desire for money can create problems or illness with this card. 

  • New business or financial opportunities will require hard work in order to see results but it will pay off. 

  • This influence increases your desire to help others in need or who are suffering from ailments. This will likely increase your desire for money to help them. 

  • Karmic influence for payment regarding past actions. These karmic problems are likely due to an unhealthy attachment to material status or possessions. 

  • In the Saturn period, the Ace of Diamonds can bring about experiences that may bring you into a state of feeling impoverished. The purpose is to show you how your abundance is a reflection of how you feel on the inside rather than from external experiences. That’s directly from the Cardology book. So when people are commenting on the historic California wildfires as having a deeper meaning, they are in alignment with what’s revealed through divination.

  • If you’re struggling with this conflict, the advice is to reflect on how you may be too concerned with having more than you need although you’re already financially content. 

Best Course of Action for your Finances:

Queen of Diamonds Uranus

Keywords: Financial success through nurturing and service to others. Successful businesswoman. 

  • Heightened financial success from using your psychic gifts or involvement in real estate. 

  • Queen of Diamonds strengthens your business acumen and marketing abilities. Use those traits. 

  • Surprise or unexpected financial gains are more likely with this influence. Just don’t overindulge or impulse buy during this time because it brings out a more negative influence with this card or diminishes the net profits you should be gaining. Shadow side: Anxious, hyperfocus on money, overspending, overworking, and harsh.

  • Romantic involvement with Diamonds women may lead to trouble or burdens if they are acting from the negative characteristics of the Queen of Diamonds.


Best Course of Action + Outcomes:

9 of Clubs Saturn

Keywords: Completion of Plans. Sharing knowledge with groups. Potential for mental disappointments. 

  • Frustration or worry in the mind can lead to negative health influences. Especially if these worries are related to business or financial losses. It will only manifest those losses or an adverse state of well-being and health. 

  • You can gain healing if you take responsibility for your attitudes or beliefs that are negative. Embracing and participating in community or selfless acts of service can also bring good fortune to your health and well-being. 

  • The 9 of Clubs also indicates endings and completion. When it’s in the Saturn position this card’s influence can make you more resistant or uncomfortable with endings. If that is the case, then take this as a learning opportunity because the purpose of this energy is to influence personal development and growth. Keep an open mind because if you have a limited or fixed perspective you won’t see the healing aspects this card brings during this full moon lunation period. 

  • 4s, 8s, and 10s can make this a more positive influence to overcome the challenges associated with this energy.

8 of Clubs Jupiter

Keywords: Focus of the mind. Making plans brings more success and helps you accomplish your goals. 

  • The power of the mind is more influential at this time. Therefore you can manifest the outcomes you want with your mind. You can experience success in money, business, relationships, and your career by applying your mental gifts, knowledge,e or education. 

  • 8 of Clubs in the Jupiter period are most favorable with groups of people, public speaking, and teaching. 

  • You now have more power than you usually do during this full moon lunation period. It comes with good fortune and benefits. Especially as it pertains to your intelligence and mental talents. 

  • Great influence to gain more financial opportunities or increase your net profit if you apply your ideas and intellectual expertise. So use this to your advantage. 

  • This card gives an additional benefit for entrepreneurs and business leaders to bring in more profit. This is also good for getting a pay raise or promotion if you’re employed by someone else.  

  • Clubs suit men have a love-hate energy to them right now. They’re likely to attract affection or anger during this full moon lunation period.


When the Moon returns home in full illumination, it asks us to look at the energetic material that creates our outcomes. We often get exactly what we deserve if we pay attention to the ingredients we have to work with and the process we use to transform them into our results. Honor your process from start to finish. Account for the actions of your foremothers and forefathers. Reflect on how that shows up in the relationships you have today with family, friends, and lovers. Stand by the effort, work, and sweat equity you've put in to be where you are today. Be aware of the magick that creates a perfect storm of lessons, victories, and triumphs.

All aspects of you are important and serve a greater purpose. The Moon goes through each intentional phase so you can see how meaningful each period is. From feast to famine and right back to centered peace in order to remind you of your full range and what's most important at the center of it all.

Ride the cosmic waves for this lunation period and you'll get the windfalls of emotional growth, good fortune, and divine wisdom it has in store for you. Godspeed.





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