The Harvest Moon Eclipse occurs along the Virgo-Pisces axis. This lunar eclipse cycle influences us from September 17, 2024, to the next Pisces Lunar eclipse on February 20, 2027. The divination reading covers how this eclipse cycle impacts your overall and underlying energy.
Divination Cards Pulled:
September 16, 2024
02:19 AM EST
Eclipse Peak Dates & Visible Times:
September 17, 2024 10:34 PM EST
Septmeber 18, 2024 03:12 AM GMT
The purpose of this divination is to equip you with a forecast for this lunar eclipse cycle. The intention of this reading is to prepare you with an overview of the potential ways you may have to use your power to navigate the cosmos. You have the power to control your outcome. Use your own discernment. Take what resonates, leave out the rest.
7 of Clubs ♣ | 3 of Hearts ♥ | 10 of Clubs ♣ |
6 of Clubs ♣ |
Initially, this eclipse may come with some level of disappointment. Specifically in terms of what's truly important to you. This experience is showing up because the cosmic influences firing off aim to hit close to home. 5 of Hearts is characterized by Mars in Scorpio. Revealing deep-seated emotions like animosity, jealousy, or resentment that want be put into action during this cycle. While the 5 of Hearts indicates disappointment, deep-seated emotions can also be feelings that take a long time to develop potency. The firery Scorpionic energy driving the 5 of Hearts can increase your passion and enthusiasm for your soul's mission. It can also compel you to fall deeper in love with your family, home, or career. There's just a balance that has to be achieved when presented with the 5 of Hearts. Simply because the Plutionian nature of this card makes it impossible to ignore emotions like stagnancy, regret, or discouragement. Pluto wants to show you the areas in your life where you have subconsciously hit a ceiling.
Examining the 10 of Clubs at the root of things, we learn that we're dealing with Saturn in Sagittarius energy within cardology. Restrictive Saturn has to work with optimistic Jupiter, much like the Saturn in Pisces transit we're experiencing astrologically. As for the 10 of Clubs, these two work relatively well together in a checks-and-balances sort of way. Saturn is the proverbial wall or ceiling you're hitting as a roadmap to outline where you need to start something new.
The cardology for 10 of Clubs is all about new beginnings, adventure, and turning things in a different direction. The 5 of Hearts acts a caution sign along you journey telling you to stop movement where there is confusion. The weight of confusion is too heavy to carry on this new spiritual plane you're ascending into. Once you release it, you'll have the lighthearted buoyancy you need to recover from disappointments with ease, grace, and a renewed sense of enthusiasm. 5 of Hearts helps to reignite excitement and inspiration. But only after the completion of necessary cleansing, mourning, and the release of self-doubt.
10 of Clubs comes as a good omen for success in new endeavors when a strong work ethic is applied. This echoes the same message as 7 of Clubs, one of our eclipse cards. The 7 of Clubs is associated with Mars in Leo within cardology. This card says you will be triumphant over any opposition or attacks. There is a strong wall of spiritual protection covering you at this time. Hence why blockages that you face are there to warn you of misalignment or danger ahead in the event that you continue down certain paths.
7 of Clubs tells us we will have success when it comes to removing obstacles but prepare to defend your position. Minor delays have the tendency to that rears its ugly head during this eclipse cycle. So the advice is to use patience and reservation in your approach. Although minor, there could be delays that carry a heavy burden of consequences if what's stalled is time-sensitive. Under those circumstances, seek legal or professional counsel to make sure you're thoroughly protected on those fronts. This is not a time to easily accept defeat in areas of conflict. Do not just take what's given to you if it's unfair or unjust. Tact and poise are required, yes. However, do not back down and lose the ground you've covered because aggressive pursuits are heightened in this climate. With this eclipse, aggressive actions come with larger karmic repercussions to ensure you get exactly what you put out. Good or bad.
There are a few key indicators of emotional, verbal, or physical aggression to highlight here. This can arise due to planetary synastry between the 6 of Clubs and the 10 of Clubs. The 3 of Hearts is the culprit here. This card sit in the Mars placement for 10 of Clubs and the Uranus placement for 6 of Clubs. A Mars influenced 3 of Hearts, gives us a peek at underlying motives. This card increases the probability for people to act aggressively due to love or in an effort to pursue a love interest's affection. Romantic partners may even become so impassioned during conflict that it gets to the point of physical aggression. While a healthy amount of passion is welcomed in a relationship, this level of intensity can lead to domestic disputes that escalate to violence.
Impatience is amplified in areas where your relationships or love life is stagnant. While that frustration can lead to aggression for some, it's a lot more common for it to result in risky romantic behavior for others. Specifically partners who are not acting in integrity. With the 3 of Hearts in the Mars period, we can expect to see instances of a love triangle or temporary romantic flings creating long-term consequences. Between lovers, there could be things that are said that you can't take back. Or you could potentially get yourself in a bind because of fleeting emotions that you haven't thought through. The purpose of the emotional intensity flaring up is to encourage you to move, go out, and, meet new people rather than trying to stir up emotions in the same place. The new people are coming in to help improve your social life and socioeconomic status which can be beneficial whether you're single or partnered. However, if you're in monogamous relationship that has hit a standstill, the novelty experience of new people can tempt you to take things further than an innocent encounter. Don't let the 3 of Hearts impair your judgement.
3 of Hearts also shows up in the Uranus period for our eclipse card. As a result, unexpected circumstances can weaken your discernment and create confusion about where your heart truly is in a situation. Your head and heart may conflict, especially when it comes to love. This is likely due to your natural versatility and the range of social interests you normally indulge. Trying to satisfy too many different areas can shatter your energy at this time. Unexpected problems, stalls, or indecisions are to test what's truly meant for you in love and your relationships. Sorting things out through art or creative expression lead to a more favorable outcome when you sense this chaotic cosmic influence at play.
Now when we look at the 6 of Clubs as a whole we see the full scope of what's actually going on here. 6 of Clubs is all about achieving extraordinary accomplishments and overcoming impossible odds. You can attribute this good fortune to the Jupiter in Leo astrological symbolism 6 of Clubs carries. The 6 of Clubs blatantly signals a new and better relationship after a divorce or breakup. That's outlined word for word in the deck interpretation. Meaning that whatever is removed is meant to go in order to make room for a better fit. For the 6 of Clubs, new and positive influences have a stronger presence and more favorable outcomes. This goes for jobs and employment as well. Whichever job is the better fit and serves your best interest, that's the job offer you accept. 6 of Clubs brings upgrades to career opportunities, romance, and friendships. As the second eclipse peak card, it's a great omen to foreshadow a much more blissful time coming ahead.
When we look at things more in-depth, you'll see that the core energy revealed by the 10 of Clubs is closely related to the second peak card, 6 of Clubs. Besides the fact that they are of the same suit and notated by the fire element; both cards share the Ace of Clubs, King of Spades, 8 of Diamonds, and the 3 of Hearts in their natal planetary spread. We discussed the 3 of Hearts earlier, while covering the potentiality for aggression and conflict in love. But let's look at this Ace of Clubs. This card is at the Jupiter planetary period for 10 of Clubs and it's the Neptune planetary period for 6 of Clubs. BIG Pisces energy!
Ace of Clubs in its Jupiter period intensifies knowledge as an asset. This card increases discussions about intellectual property as a practical asset class especially as it pertains to legal matters. New ideas can make for good business ventures or financial channels because your intellectual value can be quantified into monetary gain during this eclipse cycle. However, ambitions motivated by social status can undermine your success. Seeking proximity to clout or a better financial status will stick out like a sore thumb. With Ace of Clubs in the Jupiter position, the cosmic powers at play have no problem amplifying what fascinates them which is likely your fresh original perspectives. Don't waste that good fortune by banking on momentary social acceptance and trying to make your intellectual value "fit in."
It's important to note that while your value can be exponentially increased based on your intellect, if you're quick to grow impatient and mean towards people who are slower to grasp concepts or catch up to your status, it can leave a stain on your reputation. Don't get out of hand, be tactful. Focus on hitting things on the nose shortly and sweetly. It limits the room for confusion when Neptune is at play.
As for Neptune's role in this mirror match, when Ace of Clubs is in the Neptune position it gains an unquenchable thirst for knowledge surrounding metaphysical and foreign affairs. Secrets are likely to be revealed to you. Ones you have yet to discover about yourself or others. During this eclipse cycle, if you've been curious about something, as quickly as that question comes to mind Neptune will give you intuitive directions that lead to the answer. Primarily, if you're seeking answers to questions about things outside of your awareness. Neptune opens the door to the unconscious. When you reflect on the foundational energy Jupiter is expanding for you in the physical with the 10 of Clubs, you'll notice Neptune mirroring those same themes in your subconscious through the 6 of Clubs. It may seem like your mind's eyes can see the preview of a much larger story you're co-creating in your experiences. Meditate on the nagging questions you have, you're see the answer soon enough.
The eclipse energy falling on a 6 of Clubs day demonstrates its intentions to reveal what's been hidden from your awareness. 6 of Clubs won't be satiated until you see the truth and process much-needed realizations. Make note of repeated messages and themes. Age-old philosophical debates about gender wars, social classism, and lovers' quarrels will reveal some new-age reality checks. Saturn in Pisces brings a blatant honesty that can't be clouded by delusions.
6 of Clubs has the 10 of Clubs in its Mars period. This means that actions should be motivated by your foundation, core principles, and etheric roots. 10 of Clubs in the Mars period signifies success in areas of philosophical expression, writing, or teaching. Especially if it's geared towards men or masculine energy. For example, subject matters like motivational speaking, leadership, or building systems that impact the collective are appealing to the Mars influenced 10 of Clubs. Most of the success from it can be attributed to one's capacity to understand human nature and the psychology of reasoning. Pay attention to how and why people make certain decisions. Think of ways to appeal to their hidden motives. Common sense methods are the best approach because it offers a level of social stability and fairness.
This is important because 10 of Clubs in the Mars period indicates these elements create a favorable outcome for legal matters specifically as it pertains to groups of men (i.e. fraternities). With this influence, there is likely to be a rise in male-focused groups or meetings. It could be organized in an effort to resolve issues that men have to face in financial and commercial spaces. This can have the potential to create a breeding ground of incels since we do have the 3 of Hearts cultivating an atmosphere for crimes of passion. But as discussed, aggressive pursuits are met with faster and more intense karmic repercussions. Male-centered groups that are organized for a good use will get that back in return. Those that don't, also get what they put out in return. Karmic influences will make sure everybody has a choice.
Nonetheless, things are not just about battle and conflict with this eclipse. When we look at the match-up of the King of Spades in the Venus period for the 10 of Clubs and the Saturn period for the 6 of Clubs, we do get a positive omen. King of Spades the Venus position brings success in the home or to relationships where there are important decisions to be made. Happiness comes to those who prioritize completing pending tasks in the home or with loved ones. King of Spades delivers the promise to fulfill your wish list for love and your home if you're on top of things. It brings auspicious energetic boosts to any work in the field of beauty, art, and service to others.
King of Spades in the Saturn period mirrors a similar message. It indicates there's good influences around you that can lead to career success as long as you're accountable and display good work ethic. You may also receive recognition if you've overcome any difficulties in your health or lifestyle. Healthy lifestyle changes are favored by Saturn. Taking ownership for your well-being and the wellness of your home can yield great results. The only warning for King of Spades in the Saturn period is about elder air sign or Spade card men (masculine energy). They can bring a burden or trouble to you if you're not proactive in taking matters into your own hands. This is specifically relevant to individuals who struggle with authority or taking ownership of their actions. If it is you, tackle the home, your health, and intimate relationships first. This will bring you happiness and help release subconscious baggage you're carrying that cause burdens for you and your loved ones.
The 8 of Diamonds connection between the 10 of Clubs and the 6 of Clubs is a positive one as well. 8 of Diamonds is in the Jupiter period for 6 of Clubs. It comes with the repeated message that you will get rewards and recognition for your effort. The 8 of Diamonds suggests your rewards may come in the form of a large sum of money that can upgrade your socioeconomic status. This expounds on the fact that expansions in business or financial endeavors are favorable. However, it is very important to use your money wisely and for good purpose. Because 8 of Diamonds brings in large sums of money primarily to cover large purchases. That's what the money is supposed to be used for. Wise, important acquisitions where you can invest your upgraded finances toward a good use.
The extent of your financial success will depend on three significant things:
How well you handle debt.
Your discipline concerning spending.
If you pour into investments and prioritize them.
8 of Diamonds is in the Mercury Period for the 10 of Clubs which speaks to impatience leading to monetary gain or valuable information. This is a rare occasion for the earth element assigned to the diamond suit. 8 of Diamonds in the Mercury period can actually benefit from get-rich-quick-schemes. However, if the money acquired is not handled correctly, the financial gain can be temporary.
In our final match-up, let's look at the relationship between the 5 of Hearts (overall energy) and the 7 of Clubs (eclipse card). They both have the Jack of Clubs, Queen of Spades, and 5 of Diamonds in common. More importantly, the 7 of Clubs is the Jupiter period card for the 5 of Hearts.
7 of Clubs in the Jupiter planetary period comes with the lesson that thoughts are things. They can manifest into your reality as quickly as your brain tells your body to take action. This heightened power can usher in financial and spiritual rewards by way of studying, gaining intellectual property, or through self-improvement. Additionally, spiritual knowledge can also lead to profit, recognition, and personal realizations that increase your self-worth.
Challenges presented with the 5 of Hearts as the overaching energy are likely influenced by negative attitudes from you or other parties involved and/or self-limiting beliefs. The basic purpose of the 7 of Clubs life card is to bring exposure to spiritual knowledge that can help you further develop. It aims to help you let go of limitations. Therefore negative thinking projected onto you from others or even from yourself through negative self-talk can keep you trapped on a lower timeline. Anxiety, negativity, and brain fog can obstruct the vision of your third eye. Those hiccups can hinder the access you have to the expanded state of consciousness that 7 of Clubs in its Jupiter period gifts the collective. Don't let it. Release and let go of your inhibitions.
Let's go further and look at the Jack of Clubs that these two cards have in common. Here we see a dance between Neptune and Mars. Jack of Clubs is in the Neptune period for the 5 of Hearts and it's also the Mars card for the 7 of Clubs. The Jack of Clubs calls for an expansion of your intuition, creativity, and personal inspiration. You are more likely to excel in the arenas of sales, the arts, or where you provide people hope. However, Neptune's influence may cause you to struggle with impaired judgment. Specifically if you tend to project your internal fantasies onto people, especially men. Jack of Clubs in the Neptune position warns you to use discernment and seek clarity before you move forward with Club card or fire sign men who are younger than you. This is relevant for those where there is uncertainty about that individual's level of maturity. Wait to see how they handle responsibility, honesty, and transparency before you make any important decisions regarding them. You may not be seeing things clearly.
As we take a further look, Jack of Clubs in the Mars period for the 7 of Clubs exposes exactly what Club card and fire sign men are going through. Club card men have favorable influences to be deemed highly attractive at this time. Therefore they have the power to magnetize potential romantic interests. However, this can also attract anger and vitriol towards them. That double-edged sword makes it incredibly important for Club card men (and men with prominent fire sign placements) to pay attention to the wall of protection surrounding us at this time. If there's a halt or a blockage in front of you, it's for a reason. Do not proceed forward. Wait for your next step to be revealed to you. There could be trouble or burdens that come with the road you're going down. It's not in your best interest to park at a deadend. This is especially relevant for those deal with mirroring fire sign or Club card women. With the eclipse energy involved, those double-edged sword dynamics can lead to an unhealthy and toxic place. Remember there's a higher likelihood for domestic violence and Club card men can very easily get caught in that trap.
Speaking of Yin warnings, the Queen of Spades that the 7 of Clubs and 5 of Hearts have in common also warns against certain types of women or feminine energies in your life. The Queen of Spades is in the Uranus period for the 5 of Hearts but it's in its Venus position for the 7 of Clubs. When this card is in its Uranus period, it cautions that Spade card and air sign women may be unpredictable at this time. Specifically with those who are high-strung or prone to emotional tantrums. If you're encountering this, Queen of Spades in the Uranus period prompts you to take a step back, withdraw your influence, and let everyone figure it out independently. This is relevant if you have women in your life who directly impact you emotionally and they also have a Spade birth card or prominent air sign placements in their chart.
When in the Uranus position, the Queen of Spades is meant to trigger awakenings and new levels of understanding. As a result, it's playing an important role in sharing lessons of wisdom and emotional maturity. Specifically in how those two aspects relate to your disposition, character, and decision-making.
These emotionally chaotic encounters serve the purpose of:
Upgrading your self-development.
Displaying what needs to change or can be cultivated to elevate your career/finances.
Gaining greater insight into what should be addressed in order to expand the home.
The Queen of Spades in the Venus period for the 7 of Clubs speaks directly to what this Yin influence is meant to trigger. When this card is in its Venus period, it's meant to help you handle your emotions better. This cosmic influence can be used to navigate your feelings with a wise yet firm approach. Furthermore, it also increases your likelihood of finding a best-fit romantic partner if you control your emotions and desires. These are all good signs for natural Venusian energy. Hone in on the power of your Venus sign to help mitigate any conflict that pops up.
There's a shadow side to every zodiac sign so if you account for the ways your shadow Venusian energy shows up, you'll be better equipped to put out any fires that start. Chaotic planetary factors are hitting the collective in ways that are unexpected during this cycle. Therefore it's better to be prepared than to be completely blindsided by Uranus (Queen of Spades) or worse, Pluto (5 of Hearts).
Now, to close out the match-ups, we have 5 of Diamonds as a common denominator for the 5 of Hearts and 7 of Clubs synastry. 5 of Diamonds is in the Mercury period for 7 of Clubs which suggests a sudden change of employment or finances as it pertains to you or your family. In regards to family, it may be connected to your siblings. For you directly, the 5 of Diamonds may prompt a change for you to improve your education or expose gaps that you want to fill within your educational background. Whichever way this change shows, just prepare for ups and downs or unexpected financial losses. If it's not from your siblings or intellectual credentials, these losses can also show up due to miscommunication, transportation issues, or mental health struggles.
When the 5 of Diamonds is in the Saturn period like it is for the 5 of Hearts, this also signals a Mercurial-style warning. Stating that now is not a good time to travel for vacation. Restlessness can create financial insecurity so traveling for pleasure may not be the best use of your money. Saturn's planetary influence on the 5 of Diamonds also speaks to health potentially affecting your business or finances. Remember to take your healing into your own hands, we've discussed this in detail when covering the King of Spades influence on the 6 of Clubs. 5 of Diamonds in the Saturn position suggest it's more likely to travel for healthcare or be required to spend money on healing remedies during this eclipse cycle. This may be the exact reason you get that large sum of money delivered to you by the 8 of Diamonds Jupiter period. Pay attention to your health and be proactive about anything that you suspect could potentially arise.
Does this have to show up in your reality? No. As a diviner it's simply my responsibility to make you aware of the possibilities. Most of the good future indicators we see in this reading are in the aftermath or as a result of some type of loss, disappointment, or spiritual clearing. This can show up in different ways for everyone. Stay connected to the state of being you want reflected in your reality. Thoughts are things. You have the power to control your outcome. The purpose of this divination is to prepare you with an overview of potential ways you may have to use your power and equip you with a forecast. Use your own discernment. Take what resonates, leave the rest.
This lunar eclipse is coming with a cosmic elixir to give you exactly what you deserve and what is necessary for your ascension into the next timeline. The appetite for knowledge about the occult and metaphysics is heightened. New secrets are uncovered for you. Secrets about yourself, the people in your life, and the reality around you. The responsibility of this newfound knowledge come at the cost of past immaturity. Exercise patience, tact, and display an accurate depiction of your character. This will make your life easier by creating a clear distinction between you and the chaos at bay with this eclipse. Be careful of what you say and how you say it. Because brash and snappy communication can lead to exacerbating problems that may present themselves. Overcoming difficulties of the mind can uplevel your foundation and skills. Embrace what's being asked of you from this lunar eclipse cycle. Your finances, your family, and your Higher Self will thank you for it.